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7 Fitness Tips I wish I Knew When Starting My Fitness Journey

You’ve finally decided that you want to make a change in your fitness world, but you aren’t sure how to start or where to go. I can tell you that I certainly understand where you are coming from. I’ve certainly been there! If you checked out my last blog, Another New Year's Resolution its even possible you get stuck in the same loop with the yearly new year’s resolution! if not make sure you check it out! If that’s you, I am here to help. Let me also say, that though I love fitness and the benefits it has, I struggle just like you do. I’ve been there. So as you read, know that I am telling myself the same the same stuff!

If I can help, I want to give you some tips that I wish I knew before, so that you don’t have to go down the same path I did. The more simple and manageable this process is, the more consistent you will be and more success you will have. So here are 7 fitness Tips that I recommend if you are really trying to start your journey the right way!

1.) Write out your goals.

You have to surround yourself with the goals that you set, that way they are always at the top of mind. Remember, we want to make resolutions more often, that way we are more intentful for what we are trying to achieve. Remember USE S.M.A.R.T goals.

Gals are always a good reminder of what you are after. Make sure to have your goals written down and in places where you can clearly see them.

*For me, this hits hard. It just makes what I am trying to do more real. It starts out as a thought, then it stays there until you take action. I know that I have some big goals that I want to hit, but I also know that I need to have a plan in order to reach those goals. Denzel Washington said it best;

2.)Prioritize your sleep.

No Matter what’s going on, if you are tired, you won’t have the same focus for getting things done like you would if you got good night’s rest. Check out this article that mentions at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep. How Much Sleep Is Enough?

We should aim to be more like my cats Mallow (left) and Mochi (right) here. Both my cats will make sure that they get their sleep in and they have so much more energy when they wake up! Cat naps won’t be the best thing though. Make sure you are setting time aside specifically to sleep.

* For Me, This has always been are hard spot. Some nights I get great sleep, other nights its a battle. But I can assure you, the better sleep you get, your body can recover, build more muscle, and reduce health risks. It’s important. Sleep!!

3.) Follow a structured program.

For most of us, this one gets slept on. Especially when starting out, it might be difficult to know what exercise you are doing, or where the focus is. I can say with a strong confidence that following a solid program will help reach your goals. It really doesn’t matter which program you follow, as long as it is structured in a way that will allow you to progress. Different types of progression can include load, volume, and tempo of your movements. This should take the guess work out of what you are doing when you get to the gym. In addition to that, you get a chance to work on movements and you are giving your body a chance to adapt.

This is my Tank Build program that focuses on building strength.

*For me, having been in so many different areas of the exercise industry, I have practiced a lot of movements. This benefits me because I can work more on my weaknesses, and then come up with more alternatives in case the movement gets stale or I get injured. If you need help with structured programs, I create custom programming to help you reach your goals! Click Fitness Pros App for more info!

4.) Track Your Progress

Monitoring and tracking your fitness progress is a fundamental aspect of any successful health and wellness journey. Numerous studies in the fitness industry emphasize the effectiveness of tracking metrics to achieve long-term goals. In the study titled "Goal-setting And Achievement In Activity Tracking Apps: A Case Study Of MyFitnessPal," published in the National Library of Medicine, the authors emphasize the significance of tracking progress in physical activity and dietary habits. The study reveals that individuals who monitored these aspects through apps, particularly MyFitnessPal, experienced significantly greater weight loss compared to those who did not engage in tracking (source: This underscores the importance of incorporating tracking mechanisms, such as activity tracking apps, as a valuable tool for achieving and sustaining health and fitness goals.

One of the ways that I have my clients track their progress. We do a weekly weigh in to see what we need to change or keep the same. This has helped them out a ton in their goals to lose weight or build muscle. If you need help with this or other ways to track your fitness goals click this link to connect with me! Fitness Pros App

For me: In my own experience as a personal trainer, I have witnessed the transformative impact that progress tracking can have on individuals striving to meet their fitness goals. Implementing personalized tracking systems for my clients has not only provided them with tangible data to measure their advancements but has also served as a powerful motivational tool. Seeing the gradual improvement in various metrics, whether it's weight lifted, endurance levels, or body composition, fosters a sense of accomplishment and encourages continued dedication. Progress tracking isn't merely about the destination; it's about acknowledging and celebrating the journey, empowering individuals to make informed decisions and adjustments for ongoing success in their fitness endeavors.

5.) Incorporate Daily Movement:

Integrating daily movement into your routine is a powerful strategy not only for maintaining energy levels but also for supporting your fitness goals, including fat loss. Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis (NEAT), a concept widely studied in the fitness and health fields, emphasizes the importance of daily movements such as walking, standing, and other non-exercise activities in contributing to overall energy expenditure. Research published in the "International Journal of Obesity" highlights the significant impact of NEAT on weight management, demonstrating that individuals who engage in higher levels of daily physical activity, even in the absence of structured exercise, exhibit enhanced fat loss. This underscores the idea that every movement throughout the day plays a crucial role in optimizing your metabolic health and supporting your body composition goals.

*For me, In my own fitness journey, I've discovered the profound benefits of incorporating various activities into my daily life. From invigorating sessions at the gym to more leisurely pursuits like skating and bowling, each activity contributes to my overall well-being. Skating not only serves as a fun and exhilarating cardiovascular exercise but also improves balance and coordination. Similarly, bowling, a hobby close to my heart, engages multiple muscle groups and provides a social outlet. The key is finding activities you genuinely enjoy, making daily movement a natural and enjoyable part of your lifestyle. By embracing diverse activities, you not only enhance your physical health but also foster a positive mindset towards staying active.

6.) Challenge Yourself:

When it comes to elevating your fitness journey, the intensity and effort you invest in each session play a pivotal role. Two valuable metrics to gauge your workout intensity are the Rate of Perceived Exertion (RPE) and the Repetitions in Reserve (RIR) scale. The RPE scale measures the perceived intensity of an exercise on a scale from 1 to 10, with 1 being minimal effort and 10 representing maximal effort. On the other hand, the RIR scale gauges the number of repetitions you have left in the tank after completing a set. Both these scales provide objective measures of your exertion level, allowing you to tailor your workouts more effectively. Research, such as a study in the "Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research," emphasizes the importance of adjusting training intensity based on these subjective measures, promoting not only performance gains but also reducing the risk of overtraining. By understanding and implementing these scales, you can fine-tune your workouts to challenge yourself appropriately, ensuring optimal progress.

For me: In my own fitness routine, I've found that incorporating a deliberate and slow tempo adds an extra layer of challenge to my workouts. This intentional approach not only enhances muscle engagement but also fosters a deeper mind-muscle connection. By focusing on controlled movements and emphasizing time under tension, I've witnessed improved strength gains and muscle definition. This method aligns with the principles of the RPE and RIR scales, as it allows[ for a more nuanced perception of effort, ensuring that each session is purposeful and tailored to my individual capacity. Remember, challenging yourself doesn't always mean pushing for maximum speed; sometimes, it's about embracing deliberate, controlled movements to unlock your body's full potential.

7.) Pick an exercise you like

This comes in handy when you know you need to move. We all have those days where we just don’t wanna. The most important part on those days is having the discipline to go in and knock out a solid workout. Pick an exercise you enjoy doing, that way you can still get a good sweat out of it and will be motivated to do something rather than doing nothing at all.

For me: On days like this I just whip out the phone, turn in some anime and get on the bike for half an hour. I can easily enjoy what I’m watching and break a solid sweat and feel good about it after. Remember you’re not going to reach all of your goals in one day. These things take time. Sometimes just being in the environment may motivate you even more knowing you did something that you didn’t really want to. I will say, if you just need a mental day, take that day!

Starting a fitness journey can be overwhelming, but with these 7 tips that I wish I knew when I began, you can make the process smoother and more rewarding. From setting realistic goals to finding enjoyable workouts and incorporating healthy habits, these tips will help you stay motivated and on track. Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination, so be patient and kind to yourself along the way. If you need further guidance and support, click here to schedule an appointment with me. Thank you for reading, and don't forget to explore my other media platforms for more valuable content and inspiration. Let's start this journey together! Fitness Pros App. What are some other things you wish you knew as you start your journey? let me know in the comments. Thanks for reading!