Another New Years Resolution

Getting Ready for the New Year! 2023 flew by, don’t let 2024 do the same without hitting those goals you set out for yourself

Well, here we are. It’s the ending of another year and now we all sit down and come up with our resolutions for 2024. We look back at our accomplishments, the good things and bad things (for a lot of us who are hard on ourselves, its mostly bad things) and we come up with a “new years resolution”. Let’s look at what those resolutions are in the fitness industry, and why I believe that new years resolutions often do us more harm then actual good.

  • I first want to give you guys the definition of a resolution. It is defined as “a firm decision to do or not to do something”. Those decisions seem to occur for me every day! I feel like I am always telling myself that I am going to do something, then it comes down to my own sense of self, to make that thing happen. When it comes to my habits, I feel the daily struggle to make the decision to become more productive. I don’t know how many of us deal with that but I am sure I am not the only one. If that is you, I am so glad that you are reading this particular blog. I am here to tell you that you do not have to wait until the new year to come up with a resolution. Though I know that there are so many people out there who come up with a plan for the year, and successfully execute that plan, you can come up with a plan at any time! There is no perfect time to start something, especially when it comes to your health. I feel like we too often put our priorities on the backburner and get out all of our instant gratifications out of the way.

The Cycle Of Delayed Resolutions

  • We just “wait until Monday” or “ put it off until tomorrow” then before we know it we make it to the end of the year in the same loop making what is likely the same new years resolution for the next year and so on. I’m here to tell you that I also am victim to the same cycle. I can remember ever since the pandemic that I always have the same resolutions, these include making more money, some streak of meditation or learning a new skill and overall becoming a better person. While these are great, they are always vague and don’t really paint a solid plan for how to get to those resolutions. Its about being able to come up with a tangible plan that has a goal in mind, but actual steps to reach those goals or else we end up in the same spot. Not only that, its about finding out what we truly want out of our lives. What is most important? What is more money going to give you? What is a solid routine in the gym going to do for your health? What is doing what you love going to do for you as a person for the rest of your life? Not just a year. Those are the deep questions we have to ask ourselves. I hope that you’re like me and want to break that endless yearly cycle. So what do we do?

Breaking the Pattern:

Getting caught in the loop can seem overwhelming and it can feel like there is no end in sight.

  • Alright so now we want to break this ongoing pattern of starting on the same day every year and ending up in what we feel is the same spot! We should all give ourselves a pat on the back because we are aware of our thoughts and that in itself is pretty meta! I feel like were I usually go wrong is when the first comes around, I want to do all of these things all at once. This is never something that lasts long. I truly believe that If you want to build habits that are long lasting, you have to make small changes at a time.

*TIP- No matter what you want to change, start by making one or two small changes to your daily habits. These can be journaling for 5 minutes or even walking for 30 minutes. We don’t want to get burnt out, but instead, making these self serving changes last a lifetime.

The Pressure of New Year’s Resolutions:

  • Piggy backing off of the previous paragraph, we put way too much pressure on ourselves to make this drastic change when in fact there may not be anything wrong with us at all. The whole idea of a “new year new me” concept sends the wrong idea. There is nothing wrong with you. You may want to change or improve something about you, which isn’t bad, but with the all of the pressures of social media we get lost in the sauce and set these ambitious unrealistic expectations for ourselves then we ultimately fail. Take the gym for example, if you have been to the gym in the first week of January, you know it is absolute chaos. Everyone is chasing after those lofty goals while desperately waiting for the next machine to open up. Research shows that 80% of new year’s resolutions in the gym fail and the crowd dies out around mid February. You don’t want to be caught in that group. Make it easier on yourself and get in the gym before then!

The typical gym crowd. This is what it looks like from January for about a month or so! No one wants to be in that

**Tip Instead of waiting for the new year like everyone else, try to get ahead of the crowd that way you won’t feel so lost.

Embracing Progress Over Perfection:

  • Adopting a mindset focused on progress rather than perfection can be transformative. It's essential to acknowledge that meaningful change is a journey, not an immediate destination. Personal growth involves learning from setbacks and celebrating small victories. Reflecting on my own experiences, I've found that embracing progress has allowed me to appreciate the continuous improvement in various aspects of my life. Instead of fixating on the end result, consider the positive impact each small step forward has on your overall well-being.

  • Building Healthy Habits:

    • Sustainable change often comes from cultivating healthy habits. The key is to start small and gradually incorporate positive behaviors into your daily routine. Whether it's dedicating time for self-care, choosing nutritious meals, or incorporating physical activity, these habits contribute to long-term well-being. Personally, I've witnessed the power of consistency in building habits over time. By prioritizing health and well-being in manageable increments, you can create lasting positive changes that extend beyond the initial excitement of a New Year's resolution.

  • Setting Realistic and Personalized Goals:

    • The allure of New Year's resolutions can lead to setting lofty, generic goals without a clear plan. To break free from this cycle, it's crucial to set realistic and personalized goals. Take the time to identify what truly matters to you and align your aspirations with your values. For instance, rather than a vague resolution to "become a better person," define specific actions and behaviors that align with your personal growth. This approach ensures that your goals are meaningful, attainable, and sustainable. By focusing on the journey of self-discovery and tailoring goals to your individual aspirations, you can navigate away from the repetitive cycle of unfulfilled resolutions.

      Tip: Try to set some smaller goals to reach and be easy on yourself. If you're looking for personalized guidance and support in achieving your fitness goals, consider exploring online training. I offer tailored programs to help you make sustainable changes and build a healthier lifestyle. Let's work together to create a plan that fits your needs and keeps you motivated throughout the year.

    • "It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up." - Vince Lombardi


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How to set your goals