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Starting your Fitness Journey

Figuring out how to reach your goals and what you need to know about getting started.

So you are ready to make a change in your life, and you are finally ready to make that step in making your physical health a top priority. The only issue is, where do you begin?

You probably have seen so many different videos and posts on social media, that show case all these super fit god like, jacked people moving amazing weights or doing crazy flexible stuff and you are stuck on how to get to that level. Well I want to level with you. There certainly are a lot of people who make gym life their only life. That does not have to be you.

The hard truth is, some of us ( including me) may never reach that peak level of super sayain post time skip six pack, or that amazing Jennifer Lopez glute set that we see everyday on our feed. Yet we as humans can’t help but compare ourselves to these people, looking at what we don’t have and what they do have. It is a mistake that we all make.

Let me tell you something. No one is going to be a better you than you. That should be the biggest thing to focus on.

The key to embarking on a fitness journey isn’t about immediately matching the prowess of those fitness influencers flooding your feed. It's about recognizing that each journey is personal, unique, and entirely your own. I've been there - comparing my initial steps to the seemingly unattainable feats displayed on social media. It's easy to fall into the trap of comparison, feeling a pang of inadequacy when you're just starting out.

But here’s the beauty of it all: your fitness journey isn’t about replicating someone else’s success. It’s about crafting your path, embracing your progress, and reveling in the small victories along the way.

Speaking from years of experience in the fitness realm - from avidly engaging in CrossFit to coaching at OrangeTheory and being a part of conventional gym routines since high school - I've learned that the most vital principle is keeping it simple. This simplicity lies in a threefold approach: move consistently, make mindful food choices, and continuously challenge yourself.

Me back in my days as an Orangetheory Coach! If you have never gotten a chance to try it out it is worth exploring! I know for myself that it gave me a new appreciation for setting a consistent pace on the tread, as well as helping me with my form on the rower!

Moving consistently doesn’t necessarily mean hours of grueling workouts each day. It could be as simple as finding an activity you genuinely enjoy, whether it’s dancing, hiking, or playing a sport. The key is to keep moving. Consistency is the secret sauce here.

Love to blade! One of my favorite hobbies that involve moving. When it’s warm outside, I actually commute to work on them! Nothing like a good playlist and a pair of roller blades to help you coast through some tough times!!!

Regarding food, it's not just about strict diets or quick fixes. It's about becoming more aware of what you eat, understanding the nutritional value of different foods, and making wiser choices that nourish your body. Small, mindful changes in your eating habits can make a substantial difference.

And then, there’s the aspect of consistently challenging yourself. This doesn't mean comparing your progress to others. It’s about setting achievable goals, celebrating the small milestones, and progressively pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. That might mean adding a little more weight, going for an extra mile, or even holding a yoga pose a bit longer. Each small step forward is a victory in itself.

Back in the days at my favorite place to workout in San Diego! KMF Athletics, great community that supports each other and makes the workout experience so great. If you are in Lemon Grove you need to check it out!

Remember, everyone starts somewhere. It’s not about becoming a mirror image of someone else but about being the best version of yourself. Embrace your journey, celebrate your progress, and keep moving forward. That’s the essence of a true fitness journey.

"I've always hated the good-looking and strong-willed ones. When push comes to shove, they'll bail. But someone like you who doesn't have any of that, someone who doesn't even have the option to run, they're the ones who hang in there." – Captain Levi

Relation to fitness: The journey to fitness isn’t just for the naturally strong or athletic. It’s for everyone, especially those who may not start from a place of advantage. The dedication to keep going despite not having a head start is what truly counts in the end.