The Importance of Gratitude and Reflection
Jordan Hardgrow Jordan Hardgrow

The Importance of Gratitude and Reflection

This one hit home for me. Basically my 3rd year in this birth process. I go over what happened to me and what I have been up to since then. If you are needing a good read or some extra perspective please give this one a look! Remember, always good to look back, always good to look ahead, but try your best to stay in the now!

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7 Fitness Tips I wish I Knew When Starting My Fitness Journey
Jordan Hardgrow Jordan Hardgrow

7 Fitness Tips I wish I Knew When Starting My Fitness Journey

The fitness journey is a road that many people take, but have difficulty staying on. I am here to give you a couple of things that I have learned through trial and error, and experience to make this process just a little smoother. Look it is going to be a challenge and there is no way around that, but if you truly want to reach your goals or head in the right direction, take a look at these tips that I have laid out. Even implementing 1 of these 7 tips can help!

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Another New Years Resolution
Jordan Hardgrow Jordan Hardgrow

Another New Years Resolution

As the year draws to a close, the tradition of crafting New Year's resolutions looms large. In this blog post, we delve into the common cycle of delayed resolutions, questioning the efficacy of waiting for a specific date to initiate positive change. Unveiling the pitfalls of setting vague goals, we explore the importance of breaking the pattern by making small, sustainable changes over time. The pressure associated with New Year's resolutions is scrutinized, encouraging a shift from the 'new year, new me' mindset to embracing individuality and realistic expectations

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Where to Look When Picking a Home Gym
Jordan Hardgrow Jordan Hardgrow

Where to Look When Picking a Home Gym

As Part of your fitness journey, having and environment like a gym can help establish consistency when it comes to regularly moving your body and reaching your goals. I go over just a few options and add my experience with each one. My aim is humbly give a guide to which places might suit you!

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My Superhero Origin Story
Jordan Hardgrow Jordan Hardgrow

My Superhero Origin Story

A little bit about me and how I got to the spot I am at today. There is some harrowing stuff in here and hopefully by sharing what happened to me and my perspective on life will connect us!

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